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Eleven years ago I was a poor, overworked law student  One afternoon after taking my final exam in International Law I went to the Rebel Confederate Air Conditioning/Heating Repair and Justice of the Peace in Zachary, La. and married the man of my dreams, one J. Rizzuto.  Then I went home to study for another exam.  If I had to do it all over again I would in a heartbeat, if for no other reason than to see the look on everyone’s face again.

Fast forward to this morning.  I woke up to find Mr. Rizzuto snuggleed up next to me.  He pulled me close and whispered in my ear:

“You can’t use the toilet, it’s broken.”

True romance never dies.


  1. That is sooo sweet! My sweetie said the same thing to me last week.

  2. Well, happy anniversary, anyway!

  3. Awwww, that is true love!

    Happy anniversary!

  4. Happy Anniversary! And that’s exactly how I want my 11th Anniversary to play out.

  5. Happy Anniversary!

    Hope the rest was as romantic. 😉

    • the little fluffy cat
    • Posted December 7, 2007 at 8:16 am
    • Permalink
    • Reply

    Whee, Happy Anniversary, Sissy!

  6. This is so true…

    Hey! Happy Anniversary!

  7. Aren’t civil weddings fun?

    The bureaucrats asked me to read my “vows” written in Chinese. My wife translated a long list and I was asked to repeat them. Of course, I couldn’t remember what she had just said.

    The bureaucrats shrugged and asked me to sign the form. Then it was official.

  8. Of course, real true love would be more along the lines of: “The toilet is broken, but I am moving heaven and earth to have it fixed before you even notice.”

    But those kinds of things happen only in fairy tales, such as The Grimm Brothers’ classic The Princess and the Porcelain Throne.

  9. Aint true love grand!

  10. Wanda – that was so funny and so sounded like the kind of thing I would say to my hubby. HE is the romantic one in our relationship. Happy anniversary. We celebrated 18 years in October (where does the time go?).

    My favorite card (framed on my desk) says, “Sometimes I wonder where the time as gone, but not how else I might have spent it”. Hope you feel that way about Mr. Rizzuto.

  11. Ask me that after we get back from Atlantic City Sunday!

    I kid. I do feel that way about him.

  12. This is the very last time I’m bookmarking you. Don’t move again.

  13. Wow! David reminded me of television. I remember an SNL ad for “the love toilet”.

  14. Damn it! I missed your birthday AND your anniversary? God, I’m turning into a lousy friend.
    At least you two woke up beside each other. John and I don’t sleep beside each other. He snores and I poke him when he snores. I think we’ve got you beat on the lack of romance.

  15. Romance? Wassat?

    How was Atlantic City?

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